Happy new years!! 明けましておめだとう (January 2, 2012)

Well, I hope everyone had a nice safe and happy new years. This year has started out with a bang, and by that I mean we had more meal appoitments in the last 3 days then I have had since I came to Hamamatsu. That might not be exactly true but it's close, In 3 days we have had 5 meal appointments. Yesterday it was way too much...all four of us almost died due to food overload. It was crazy, and by the time we finished at the appoitments over half the food was still left. We tried our best but it wasn't good enough. My mom will be happy to know that i have gained some weight this week.

We had a lot of delicious food just too much to describe but one member decided to put the steak and the fish right next to each other on the missionary side of the table and almost all the steak was gone and like almost 0 of the fish was gone. It was kind of funny but I mean obviously who is going to choose the fish when there is delicious steak right next to it...no one. They also had octopus salad which has become one of my favorite Japanese dishes...you can buy octopus in America right?!? If not I'm in trouble...haha. What else did they have, they had like the 3 inch long fish things that you just eat whole, little crunchy but not bad. For some reason like 3 families made this delicious potato cheese cassarole thing that was way good. I haven't really ever seen it in Japan so I was surprised but it was way good. We also had oyster rice which is pretty good. Of course we had sushi, how can I forget that. It was good. There are some foods that Japanese people eat this time of year no matter what and one is mandrin orange (by the way we have over 200 in our apartment so if any one wants one just ask), but another thing is mochi. Mochi is pounded rice. It is interesting but they but this powder on it that kind of tastes like peanut butter...maybe, I don't know exactly but it's pretty good.

Well this time of year is really interesting in Japan, almost everyone goes back to their home and meets all their family and they pay respect to their ancestors. It's a very important time of the year for Japan. Most business men get about a week off work, so I'm sure they enjoy it, and its just a time for families. I think it is interesting how important families are to the Japanese people.

We are working with this part member family and the wife is one of my favorite people ever...(She gave me bacon last week) ya but anyways her husband is less active, mainly because of work and they have 5 children who are all less active and all are married to non members. So they got lost and they live really close to a place we got lost so we went and stopped by and were able to meet the non member son in law for the first time. He looks pretty cool, but some people when they see us run away but he didnt so that was good. We talked to him for a while but the member really wants us to help him but anyway on Sunday her husband and her daughter came to church so that was exciting!! It was a great weekend.

Have a great weekend and have fun, set some good goals for this new year...the year of the dragon!!! haha.

Elder Nelson

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